The Living Wage means thriving, not just surviving. |
The 2024/25 Living Wage rate is $27.80. The Living Wage is an hourly rate. Set apart from the minimum wage, it’s worker and whānau focused. Paying the Living Wage rate is voluntary. Employers who pay the Living Wage want to make sure their workers get enough money to live with dignity. The Living Wage considers basic expenses, and gives breathing room for rest, activities, or saving for a rainy day. It’s good for collective wellbeing, and our economy. Read more information about the 2024/25 Living Wage rate here. |
The Living Wage is independently calculated, using the latest data. |
We need to be confident that the Living Wage does what we say. That’s why it’s calculated using the latest data, and movement in New Zealand’s average hourly earnings. For a sound and independent figure, the New Zealand Family Centre Social Policy Unit conducts the calculation of the rate, and provides this to the Living Wage Movement. Read reports of the Living Wage calculation and annual updates here. |
The Living Wage Movement is a collaboration of faith groups, community organisations and unions. |
See the list of Living Wage Member Organisations here. Many of us are low-waged workers, or people who deal directly with the impacts of poverty in our communities. We’re diverse, but share a common view – that the Living Wage is one way to lift working people from poverty and inequality. We’re in cities and towns across Aotearoa, championing the Living Wage. We work with central and local government, asking them to lead the way, and pay their workers the Living Wage. We promote and support Living Wage Employers, and call on more industries to get on board. |
The Living Wage Movement offers Living Wage Employer accreditation. |
Check out the full list of accredited Living Wage employers here. Look out for the Living Wage Employer logo when you’re choosing services or products. Employers go through a robust accreditation process so they can use the Living Wage Employer logo and call themselves an accredited Living Wage Employer. Read the criteria accredited Living Wage Employers must meet here. You can be sure an accredited Living Wage Employer pays the current Living Wage rate to all staff and regular contractors. Living Wage Employers also contribute to our community advocacy and campaign work, helping to lift even more working people out of poverty. |